Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Beginning

This is a sustainability journal, an assignment for SUSD0001. But hopefuly it could become something more, something bigger, bigger than myself.

Being a city dweller my whole life, it is a bit difficult to imagine a world without electricity, tap water, proper sewerage (not so proper in my hometown), and fresh food delivered from thousands miles away. It is not until I was older that I realized that a modern city can be actually very fragile. A unexpected earthquake can paralysis a society of millions of people. There's no power, no food, no sewerage, no water. Garbage pilling up, deadly disease breeding among restless crowd.

Things that we took guaranteed for, could disappear within the matter of seconds. It is only hundreds years from the dark ages when humanity fights among each other for a handful of farm lands in order to survive in this cruel earth. Even now with the invention of chemical fertilizer and industrial agriculture equipment, one forth of human population are still facing the threat of famine. Everything we have, up to this point, can simply be taken away by nature, if we act foolish, like humanity often do.

Image result for famine

We are hurting our environment, that is a scientific fact. The process of dying for a echo system as big as earth can be slow, especially comparing with a life span of a human. But there will be a point of no return, and the worst thing is we don't know when it's gonna come. It could be in my lifetime, or it could befall on your children, or the children after them.

This is but a beginning, we observe, we plan, and we act. Think big, start small.


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