Sunday, May 15, 2016

More Reasons to Being Lazy: Work Less Saves Environment?

More Reasons to Being Lazy: Work Less Saves Environment?

Doing researches for the blog can be exhausting at times, and rightfully so: working sucks, we all hate it. And that's why a certain insights from a certain blogger caught my attention.
So a blogger Nathalie in her article describe her 4-day a week work routine and how does it affect her mindset as a consumer. Furthermore, how does that affect the environment in a positive way.

Living in a industrialized world, most of functional members of the society works lots of hours each week to fulfill their role in the whole of the economy. There is a concept of being time-poor or time poverty when an individual feels like they don't have enough hours in a day to accomplish what they truly wanted for life because the amount of time they spend on working and staying alive. Some may call it 'getting older'.

Natalie suggested that being in constant time poverty can cause one to follow a negative consumer pattern while shopping. Less time for shopping means less time spend on researching/exploring sustainable options and alternatives; less time spend on planning; and certain more possibilities of picking the 'convenient' options (which often the less sustainable options). Living a sustainable life requires effort and time, if one become exhausting from other aspect of life, then it is likely that the individual will live a life that is considered to be in-sustainable. No time for growing own food, repairing day to day objects, recycling, and so on.

Although her theories are entirely originated from life experience and observations, I personal mostly agrees with Natalie. Living a sustainable life does require a perfect balance between work and life, and working a 9-5 routine can take away lots of options as one is constantly facing the temptation of taking the options that requires least amount of effort. But that does not necessarily mean sustainable life always have to compete with work life for time. In fact, I think as the sustainable way of thinking being planted into more and more people, living sustainable will become easier and not as time consuming.

That being said, this is one more reason to be lazy: I am not laying back. I am saving the earth!

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