Thursday, May 26, 2016

Urbanization and Feminism: Social Sustainability

Urbanization and Gender Equality: Social Sustainability

Equality is one of the most important aspects of building sustainable communities. It represents the notion that each individual should be treated equally with respect despite his/her race, gender or health. 

There has been discussions about the relationship between urbanization and gender equality. In one hand, urbanization is often associated with employment opportunities and independence for woman. However, in another hand, big cities can also cause conflicts and potential constraints for gender equality. 

Research indicates that a urban environment can both reduce and increase violence toward female gender at the same time. According to Cecilia Tacoli, in many cities, urbanization makes woman more vulnerable to assaults, both in public and at home. The large density of urban areas increases the chances of violence against woman in public spaces. A large number of the victims suffered from robbery and sexual assault are woman because they are often seen as easy targets in terms of physical strength. Also, working in certain occupations can also expose women to potential hostile behaviours. Sexual harassment is a serious issue in many countries in factories. 

However, urbanization does provides economical and social resources for women to protect themselves. Financial independence has always been an essential factor in personal freedom. And the advantage in communication and organization comparing with rural areas do give urbanized female population a edge in fighting for their rights. In fact, the awakening of modern feminism began with women participating in industrial production to fill in the gap left by men left for war in WW2. 

Overall, gender equality can be a complex issue in urban context. But in order to building a sustainable city that believes in equal human rights, each one of us must act to eliminate the wrongs and promote the rights.

10629IIED: The benefits and constraints of urbanization for gender equality - IIED Publications Database. 2016. 10629IIED: The benefits and constraints of urbanization for gender equality - IIED Publications Database. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 June 2016].

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