Sunday, April 17, 2016

Perks of being lazy: Green tips for laundry hater

Perks of being lazy: Green tips for laundry hater

Laundries are the worst, aren't they? Especially for a single male students living in a 15 sqm rental room. There is always a pile of semi-worn cloth lying around somewhere in my room.  They don't smell, but still not fresh enough for me to want to wear it. And because I am lazy, proudly so, I don't want wash them either. So here they are, hanging off my bed, piling up in my laundry basket and being forgotten by the world of living.

However, it strikes me one day that because I am to lazy to do laundry often, a enormous amount of water can be saved and less pollutant coming from all the chemical we use to wash our cloth will be released to our water system. It is a rather bizarre notion to justify my own laziness but there might just be a slight truth to all of this.
According to Australian Bureau of Statics, average household waster consumption for Australian familes in 2003 was 103kL of water per person, and a large amount of that number was contributed by laundry. And a research on washing machines suggests that some of the dated models (still commonly usedin many households) requires more than 100L volume of water (perfectly drinkable) to deal with one load. A bottle of water is 550ml - half a litre, and we pay 3 bucks for it. 

If 1000 families can skip laundry once for a week, that can save 5,000,000 L of clean water. And the price is only to endure wearing semi-clean, perfectly good clothes for a couple of days. Sounds like a bargain doesn't it?

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