Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Crappy Convenience Store Sandwiches and Food Packaging

Crappy Convenience Store Sandwiches and Food Packaging

I walked in 7-11 in the morning, hungry and sleepy. I grabbed a cold egg-lettuce sandwich from the shelve, and felt disgusted for the rest of the morning.

Convenience store sandwiches are always crap, aren't they? Sloppy, cold, and too much mayo - recipe for disaster. They are like the last option before a early morning lecture: either that or starving for two hours before getting to lunch. For the same price of one crappy sandwich, one can buy a loaf of fresh-baked bread, a head of beautiful crunchy lettuce and some tasty chicken eggs. And all of that, come without excessive packaging.

One can say the packaging of those 7-11 sandwiches is not that bad: It's mostly paper and single layered. Almost nothing comparing to those multi-flavored potato crisp packs which are literally big plastic packs over smaller plastic packs. But still, you can not get any extra use out of a sandwich package after you tear it open: it is designed for convenience- in another word, use once and throw away. And you don't throw them in household recycle bins - no no no. Because you will be most likely be on the street or somewhere public while you are eating these awfully sandwiches, the packages are gonna end up in one of the street bins - poorly recycled in the first place. 
Food packaging is one of the major sources of waste in food waste streams. And reclaiming these packaging waste is proven to be difficult because they are often found in a mixture of general waste and organic waste.

As individuals, reduce food packaging is the first step of building a more sustainable future. Take the time, make your own sandwiches! Use a PVC container, they are wonderful creations and can literally last you for years. It's a start, right?

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