Sunday, April 17, 2016

Potato Lives Matter!

Potato Lives Matter! 

Have you ever seen a weird looking potato in one of your local supermarket? No, I am not talking about these slightly small or bigger ones with minor deform. I am talking about the real abominations, the real freaks of nature, the monstrosities who dares to call themselves potatoes... You haven't, have you. Our kind lords of food industry mercifully get rid of all those weird-looking potatoes beforehand so we don't have to suffer the pain of watching such as ugly creature presented on our shelves. How gracious of them! Praise the food industry! Praise the lords!

But do you know? The weird looking ones are just as delicious as their 'normal' brethren. In Australia, only 50% of the fresh produce coming from agriculture will make it through processing and get to the retailing stage. The other half is wasted because of failure of meeting industry standard in size, shape, weight and colour. They are mostly still perfectly edible, and potentially more accessible because they can be sold at a cheaper price than regular food.

There are attempts of selling these 'ugly' food by large cooperation as well as local market. For example, a organization called Secondbite dedicates itself in re-distributing surplus food to people in needs. They take donations from farmers, markets, retailers and donate them to homeless, families under poverty, indigenous families and so on.

However, we could always do more as individuals to salvage food waste. Starting by not just picking the good-looking potatoes on the shelves, we can give some love to the odd ones. Don't judge them by the looks, right?

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