Sunday, June 5, 2016

Energy Future for Australia (2)

Energy Future For Australia: Oil

Why do Australia need to develop sustainable energy anyway? We have oil, right? In fact, no. 

Australia, as one of the worlds most car dependent nation, is actually facing the problem of oil shortages (ACF, 2012). By 2012, more than 50% of oil in Australia was imported, and it was estimated that in 2015 the figure could have risen to 70% (ACF, 2010). 

Australia is expected to become the second biggest gasoline importer in Asia-Pacific region by 2020 (Reuters, 2015). This circumstance could indicate that, by using sustainable energy techniques based on the natural resource in replacing traditional fossil fuels like coal and gas, the national expenses will be saved and help Australia out of the serious dependency of oil product (ACF, 2012). Solar power is one example of the using of the local natural resources in a sense of sustainable development. Solar power is a relatively new technique in Australia, which has been developed since 2010 (Australian Photovoltaic Institute, 2016) Currently, over a capacity of 5,000 MW of stalled photovoltaic (PV) facilities in 2016, and has contributed 15.3% of Australias clean energy generation, as well as produced 2.1% of the countrys total energy in 2014 (Australian Photovoltaic Institute, 2016; Clean Energy Council, 2016).

We have to face the fact that, oil is not gonna do it for Aussies, not in a long run. Relying on importing energy can be dangerous for a nation, especially for a developed country like Australia.

Australian Conservation Foundation (2012), Clean, green transport future, Available at: (accessed: 17, 6, 2016)
Australian Conservation Foundation (2012), Australias Public Transport: Investment for A Clean Transport Future, Available at: (accessed: 17, 4, 2016).
Australian Clean Energy Council (2016), Available at: (accessed: 18, 3, 2016)
Australian Energy Market Operator Limited (AEMO) (2010), South Australian Supply and Demand Outlook, Available at: (accessed: 16, 4, 2016). p. 35.
Australian Photovoltaic Institute (2016), Available at: (accessed: 18,4 2016)
Reuters (2015), Australia;s 2015 oil product imports set to soar after aging refinery closures, Available at: (accessed: 17, 4, 2016).
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