Sunday, June 5, 2016

Energy Future for Australia (4)

Energy Future for Australia: Hybrid fuel

How do we solve the emission problem of our transport? The answer could be as simple as: dring a hybrid. Using hybrid vehicles for public/private transport could prove to be very beneficial for sustainable development.

Hybrid technology is widely considered as a significant technique that can ensure the energy efficiency improvements for vehicle operations and diminish the extent of greenhouse emission. Hybrid vehicles are powered by two or more types of power, for example diesel and electric which could reduce the extent of greenhouse gases emission as an alternative resource of fossil fuels. By using hybrid-diesel  technologies for bus, the risk of rising energy input costs by the high average vehicle fuel consumption can be expected to be relieved. For example, during the trial of hybrid bus in New South Wales in March 2011, the report showed that the emission which related by the diesel motor could be relaxed by combination with hybrid technology, while fuel savings can be used as compensation for small fleet sizes and installation costs.

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