Sunday, June 5, 2016

Energy Future for Australia (5)

Energy Future for Australia: Conclusion

This is the final entry of this discussion. Let's conclude what we have been talked about!

First of all, what is our options for future energy development in Australia? Ideally, we can produce the entirety of our energy from renewable sources such as solar power and wind power. Research indicates that wind power could be a viable alternative to Australia's coal based power generation. And it can significantly reduce the overall environmental footprint of Australia as a whole. UK have successfully developed and applied wind power as a stable source of input, which further proved the viability of such method.

What't the situation now? In short term, we need to change the heavy oil reliant energy industry because Australian is facing serious oil shortage and have to rely on import for oil supply. One angle to investigate and resolve this issue is to start with improving our oil reliant transport. Numbers have shown the damage our vehicle transport did to Australian environment in forms of GHG emission. Our priority should be promoting alternative sustainable energy source for vehicle transport, such as hybrid cars.

The use of hybrid vehicle can significantly reduce GHG in public/private transport in Australia. Australians have already started to replace public transport vehicles with more sustainable hybrid model (NSW hybrid buses). It is a good start. But in order to secure a sustainable future, this practice needs to become a common sight not a exception.

Sustainable thinking, of course, is more than just driving hybrid cars and building wind turbines. But if we failed at accomplishing these most basic tools, then how can we move on to more advanced ideas and technologies? These ideas are merely a stepping stone for better, greater solutions, and I sincerely believe with the minds of many, living a sustainable life will no longer be a luxury.

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