Saturday, June 4, 2016

Now We Are Cooking with Gas!

Now We Are Cooking with SUN!

There is a old catchphrase: Now we are cooking with Gas! I first heard it from a NBA commentator, to describe how furious the player dunk the ball into the basket. At the time, I was kind of confused. I understand the phrase as: gas cooking is good in comparision with cooking with electricity because it generates actual flame instead of a heat plate.

It turned out, I was utterly incorrect. This catchphrase originated from a old commercial promotion of gas oven in early 1900s. The companies introduced gas oven as a replacement for wood-burner and quickly spreaded across the western world. 

But nowadays, this old saying might need a change of phrase. Now we are cooking, with SUN!
There has been a wonderful invention called Solar oven. As the name indicates, this device using high reflective surfaces to focus solar energy into a certain surface for collection and use the heat to cook food, just as a regular oven does. The condition to use it is surprisingly not so restrictive, and it is perfect for sunny sydney summers.
According to consumer reviews, some of the good models actually functions better than regular electric ovens as they don't tend to burn or overcook food. And besides, it is so just fun to watch the sun to cook stuff for you.
Now we are cooking with solar!
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